In 2014 California enacted the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). SGMA requires that a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) be adopted for the 21 basins and subbasins identified by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) as “critically overdrafted” of which the Cuyama Basin is one.
In accordance with SGMA, the Cuyama Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (CBGSA) was formed in 2017. The 11-member Board of Directors includes representatives from the four counties that intersect the Basin (Kern, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura), the Cuyama Community Services District, and the Cuyama Basin Water District.
The GSA is responsible for developing and beginning the implementation of the Cuyama Basin GSP by January 31, 2020. It is also responsible for the implementation plan. The DWR developed regulations governing the content of Groundwater Sustainability Plans . The GSA has until 2040 to achieve groundwater sustainability.
Notice of Intent to prepare GSPDate & Time | Name | Location |
03/05/25 @ 2:00 pm | Board Meeting - Hybrid meeting Agenda |
Remote/Virtual or In-person: Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center |
Information on future meetings and public workshops will be posted when available. Meetings are open to the public and there is time scheduled on the agenda for public comments. The agenda for upcoming meetings will be posted at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please be sure to check back for updates and sign up below to receive email notifications about public meetings.
Adjudication documents related to the Cuyama Groundwater Basin GSP and related legal proceedings can be found on the Resources page.
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